Discusses the legal requirements/options for joint venture/licensing in this market.
Last Published: 2/14/2019
Joint ventures: U.S. firms may use joint ventures in Switzerland in order to improve market penetration. In Switzerland, joint venture legislation falls under the purview of the Competition Commission (https://www.weko.admin.ch) and the Takeover Board (http://takeover.ch/lang/en).  The Competition Commission may prohibit the establishment of a joint venture that creates a dominant market position likely to eliminate effective competition, unless the establishment of the joint venture improves conditions for competition in another market. (Art. 10 of the Federal Acts on Cartels and other Restraints of Competition. Special rules apply for banks. 

Licensing: In the absence of a dominant market position, Swiss antitrust law does not restrict an owner’s freedom to use her/his industrial property rights, including the exploitation of a patented innovation.

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