This is a best prospect industry sector for this country. Includes a market overview and trade data.
Last Published: 4/17/2016


This industry is comprised of enterprises primarily engaged in the construction of power lines and towers, power plants and alternative energies, especially solar.  The construction work performed may include new construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and repairs.  Specialty trade contractors are included in this group when they are engaged in construction activities primarily related to power and communication lines and related structures.  All structures (including buildings) that are integral parts of power and communication networks (e.g., transmitting towers, substations, and power plants) are included.
The government is fully cognizant of the need to improve power generation in Madagascar, which has been frequently cited by the World Bank as one of the principal impediments to economic growth.  The World Bank is currently assisting the government to reform management at its state-owned water and electric utility, JIRAMA, and eventually to expand the utility’s infrastructure.  Concurrently, the government is also updating its regulatory and legislative frameworks for the sector, with the aim to encourage more private investment in electricity generation, particularly through the construction of new hydroelectric facilities.


Opportunities for U.S. companies in this scenario would include dam construction or providing power lines and towers for power extension.  In alternative energy, there is potential for exploiting wind energy in the extreme north and solar energy in the south.  


For additional information on investment opportunities in the power sector, potential investors can contact the Ministry of Energy, JIRAMA, EDBM, the American Chamber of Commerce, or other business associations (see Chapter 9).  Please also do not hesitate to contact the Embassy’s Political-Economic Section for more information.

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