Includes special features of this country’s banking system and rules/laws that might impact U.S. business.
Last Published: 4/12/2019

The Gambia has 12 commercial banks, one of which is an Islamic bank.  The banking system is supervised by the Central Bank of The Gambia.  The sector is dominated by subsidiaries of Nigerian banks. It should be noted that these subsidiaries are fairly independent of their parent institutions and are usually majority-owned by Gambian entities.  The banking system is highly liquid and most banks are profitable.  Most banks meet the requirements of the central banks in terms of capital adequacy and liquidity.  While the sector is profitable, local banks disproportionately depend on government assets (treasury bills) to invest their monies.  Lending to individuals and businesses is not high as interest rates are still prohibitive.  There are no restrictions on foreign businesses opening accounts in The Gambia.  Investors can repatriate funds through the banking system.  There are no known features or rules/laws of The Gambia banking system that might impact U.S. businesses.

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