This information is derived from the State Department's Office of Investment Affairs’ 2015 Investment Climate Statement. Any questions on the ICS can be directed to
Last Published: 7/13/2017

Real Property

Ecuador ranks 69 out of 190 in the 2016 World Bank’s Doing Business Report’s category for Ease of Registering Property. Foreign citizens are allowed to own land.

Intellectual Property Rights

Enforcement against intellectual property infringement remains a problem in Ecuador.
In April 2016, the United States Trade Representative moved Ecuador from Priority Watch List to Watch List to in its annual Special 301 Report on intellectual property and remains on the Watch List in 2017. This decision was in recognition of Ecuador’s passage of an amendment reinstating criminal procedures and penalties for intellectual property violations.
Piracy of computer software and counterfeit activity in brand name apparel is widespread. Pirated CDs and DVDs are readily available on many streets and in shopping malls. Weak copyright enforcement remains a significant problem.

The Ecuadorian Intellectual Property Institute (IEPI) was established in January 1999 to handle patent, trademark, and copyright registrations. IEPI reports information on its activities on its website.

For additional information about national laws and points of contact at local IP offices, please see WIPO’s country profiles.

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