Ecuador - Market OpportunitiesEcuador - Market Opportunities
- Ecuador has a strong labor pool, which makes the country a particularly attractive investment opportunity. Minimum compensation levels are set by the Ministry of Labor according to the job and industry and can be adjusted by the National Assembly. The 2016 minimum compensation package is $366 a month, plus social security contributions.
- The Ecuadorian government is attempting to increase Foreign Direct Investment into sectors including: agribusiness and forestry, tourism, mining, real estate, and fishing and aquaculture.
- There are significant opportunities within the Ecuadorian market for small-to-medium sized U.S. exporters of a range of products, including plastics machinery, automotive parts and accessories, water resources equipment, orthopedic equipment, telecommunications equipment, and tourism.
- Ecuador’s free-trade zones allow importers to bring in raw materials and machinery duty-free and then export finished or semi-processed goods without paying taxes. Businesses within the free-trade zones have no restrictions on the repatriation of their profits.
- Although Ecuador is the world’s leading exporter of bananas, significant opportunities exist in import markets for other agricultural goods, including cotton, yellow corn, soybean meal, and consumer food products.