Includes websites relevant to selling US products and services in this country, highlighting resources for small- and medium-sized enterprises.
Last Published: 2/26/2019

Kosovo Government
UNMIK (United Nations Mission in Kosovo)
EULEX (European Union Rule of Law Mission)
Kosovo Customs
Privatization Agency of Kosovo
Kosovo Investment and Enterprise Support Agency
Business Registration Agency
Kosovo Chamber of Commerce
American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo
Kosovo Pension Savings and Trust
Statistical Office of Kosovo
Central Bank of Kosovo
Kosovo Railways
Pristina International Airport
Radio and Television of Kosovo (RTK)
Koha Ditore Daily Newspaper
Express News Portal
Zeri Daily Newspaper
Lajm Daily Newspaper
Kosovalive News Agency
Kosovapress News Agency
Kosovo Information Center
Kosovo Telecom
Kosovo Public Tenders
Economic Initiative for Kosovo
Please note that all of Kosovo’s laws and regulations can be found at: Official Gazette of The Republic of Kosovo or Republic of Kosovo Assembly  or accessed directly on a mobile phone app Gazeta Zyrtare – RKS developed through USAID   

Foreign Investment Law
Law on Business Organizations
Law on Public Procurement
Public Tendering Procedures
Law on Public Private Partnerships


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