Discusses the legal requirements for selling to the host government, including whether the government has agreed to abide by the WTO Government Procurement Agreement or is a party to a government procurement chapter in a U.S. FTA. Specifies areas where there are opportunities
Last Published: 2/26/2019
Kosovo is not a WTO member and thus not a signatory of the Government Procurement Agreement.  Similarly, Kosovo is not party to a Free-Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States, and accordingly, is not bound by any U.S. FTA commitments on government procurement.  The procurement process in Kosovo is based on the tendering procedures outlined in the Public Procurement Law, which applies to all procurement-related actions involving funds from the Kosovo consolidated budget.  The law provides guarantees for equal treatment and non-discrimination, transparency, fair competition, and accountability.  Foreign companies bid on an equal basis with local firms.  Despite an absence of local-content requirements, the amended Public Procurement Law gives preference to local bidders when the quality and price are comparable to that of foreign bidders.  There are opportunities in areas such as energy, healthcare equipment, mining, and infrastructure.  Nevertheless, vendors routinely complain about irregular conduct in public tenders at the national and municipal levels, and have generally found the official appeals system inadequate to redress grievances.  In an effort to enhance transparency, the GoK amended the Public Procurement Law to mandate electronic procurement across the government, and in early 2017 implemented e-procurement at the municipal level.
Many governments finance public works projects through borrowing from the Multilateral Development Banks. Please refer to “Project Financing” Section in “Trade and Project Financing” for more information.   

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