This is a best prospect industry sector for this country. Includes a market overview and trade data.
Last Published: 2/26/2019

Kosovo’s healthcare system is improving but faces significant challenges.  Kosovo inherited a weak healthcare system of Yugoslav era  and suffered from a decade of no investment prior to the war. 

Kosovo’s poor health and medical facilities lead many local residents to seek health-care services in neighboring countries, even for routine check-ups.  In 2017, Ministry of Health adopted the National Health Sector Strategy 2017 -2021 which aims at improving the sector through better financing plans and allowing for marginalized groups to have better access to healthcare providers.  Kosovo’s healthcare system comprises of primary, secondary and tertiary referral system, whose implementation is key in addressing citizen’s health issues.  The Law on Health regulates the referral system and prohibits patient referrals from the public to private clinics.

In 2014 Kosovo adopted the Law on Health Insurance, which gave all citizens of Kosovo the right and obligation to have mandatory “basic package” health insurance covering emergency, pregnancy and childbirth, and other essential healthcare services.  To date, the health insurance system has not been implemented.

Kosovo pharmacies and healthcare facilities rely heavily on imported medical equipment and pharmaceuticals.  The Law on Medical Products and Medical Devices regulates these products and Kosovo Medicines Agency is responsible for licensing of importers and quality control.  

The growing demand for quality health care and the lack of government resources to meet these needs create opportunities for U.S. companies to provide a variety of health-related services, including basic and specialized treatments, hospitals, clinics, emergency medical treatment facilities, and high-quality medicines and pharmaceutical products.  Although Kosovo's public health facilities are available to all Kosovo citizens, many public health services in Serb-majority areas are paid for by the Government of Serbia.  In 2015, the American Hospital opened in Kosovo, offering state-of-the-art technology and equipment, as well as more advanced procedures than typically offered locally.  The public procurement process in the health sector is often seen as difficult and time-consuming.    

Leading Sub-Sectors

  • Hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities
  • Emergency medical treatment services and equipment
  • Medicines, pharmaceutical products, and pharmacies
  • Hospital management, staff training, legal services
  • Dental clinics
  • Primary, secondary and tertiary level healthcare facilities
  • Private hospitals, clinics, and emergency medical facilities
  • Dental clinics
  • Medical supplies and pharmacies
  • Provision of medical equipment and supplies
  • Professional staff training and consulting
  • National Health Insurance Information system

Web Resources
National Institute of Public Health
Prof. Naser Ramadani, Executive Director
Telephone: +383 (0)38 541 432;
Kosovo Medicine Agency
Address: City Hospital Roundabout
University Clinic Center
10000 Pristina, Kosovo
Telephone: +383 (0)38 512 807
Fax: +383 (0)38 512 810
Jeton Shala, Chief Executive Officer
Ardian Rugova, Head of  Pharmacovigilance  
Granita Selimaj, Head of Licensing and Imports
Ministry of Health
Zagreb st. nn. (Former Lung Hospital in Dragodan/Arberi)
Pristina, Kosovo
Naim Bardiqi, Acting Secretary General
Telephone: +383 (0)38 212 113

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