Provides advice on how to perform due diligence and in what areas it is necessary for a U.S. company. Includes information on the U.S. Commercial Service International Company Profile service.
Last Published: 2/26/2019

No credit rating agencies in Kosovo cover private-sector actors.  All U.S. businesses are advised to perform their own due-diligence checks prior to developing relationships with local firms.  Due-diligence checks on socially-owned enterprises are particularly essential since the Privatization Agency of Kosovo (PAK) does not extend liability warranties to purchasers.  U.S. companies are strongly encouraged to perform due diligence checks on private firms as well to ensure that the local company:

  • is not facing any bribery or corruption charges;
  • enjoys a certain level of financial stability that will enable it to meet financial obligations; and,
  • enjoys, along with its owners, a solid professional reputation in Kosovo.

Businesses are also encouraged to consult the chambers of commerce (American, Kosovo, Turkish, and German) and the Kosovo Business Alliance (KBA).

In addition, the U.S. Embassy’s Economic/Commercial team offers fee-based International Company Profile (ICP) services containing limited background checks on local companies. For more information, please visit: U.S. Embassy in Kosovo - Commercial Opportunities.


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