Overview of the different labeling and marking requirements, including any restrictive advertising or labeling practices and where to get more information.
Last Published: 2/26/2019

Labels must contain the name of the product, full address of the importer and country of origin, net quantity/weight/volume of the product, ingredients, method of storage (transport, use, or maintenance), and any applicable consumer warnings.  Labels must be in Kosovo’s official language and labeling in more than one local language is permitted.

Consumer protection legislation requires that technical products be accompanied by instructions for usage, the manufacturer's specifications, a list of authorized maintenance offices, warranty information, warranty period, and other applicable data.

For food importers, it is advisable to use the European date system for expiry or spell out the month of expiration on the label. 

More information on labeling requirements can be found on the website of the Ministry of Trade and Industry at: Ministry of Trade and Industry , and the Regulation on Labeling, Presentation, and Advertising Food Products: Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo.

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