Georgia - Establishing an OfficeGeorgia - Establishing an Office
Business entities include sole proprietorships, joint liability companies, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, joint stock companies, and cooperatives.
In general, the process of registering a business in Georgia is quick, streamlined, and usually takes one day to complete. Registration of companies is carried out by the National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR). For registration purposes, the law does not require a document verifying the amount or existence of the charter capital. A company is not required to complete a separate tax registration. Pursuant to Georgian legislation, initial registration includes both the state and tax registration.
The following information is required to register a business in Georgia: personal information on the founder and principal officers, articles of incorporation, and the company’s area of business activity. Other required documents depend on the type of entity to be established. Registration fees are minimal.
Current legislation does not consider a representative of an international company a legal entity. However, the registration procedure is the same as for other types of enterprises. Companies should consult with licensed attorneys and accountants prior to opening a business in Georgia.