Includes how foreign exchange is managed and implications for U.S. business.
Last Published: 7/22/2019

In accordance with the BiH Law on the Central Bank, neither the Central Bank nor any other relevant institution may impose payment restrictions on international transactions, except when the Central Bank deems it indispensable to meet BiH’s obligations under international treaties or law.

Commercial banks and financial institutions in BiH may publicly trade in domestic and foreign currency without restrictions according to the law.  The foreign exchange and payment system has no restrictions (no administrative management nor limits) on payments and transfers related to international current and capital transactions. In commercial banks, there are no restrictions for individuals or businesses (domestic and foreign) on opening accounts in domestic or any foreign currency, on exchanging KM for any foreign currency, or in payments to foreign partners.

In both the Federation and the RS, the Law on Foreign Exchange Operations regulates foreign exchange operations.  These laws extend identical treatment to domestic and foreign physical and legal entities.

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