Provides references to the principal business associations, indicating which accept U.S. companies. Describes the primary roles of those associations and to what extent they influence government actions.
Last Published: 7/17/2019

The American Chamber of Commerce in BiH (AmCham BiH) was established in 2001 as a nonprofit, independent association with the role of advancing the interests of U.S. and other foreign businesses in BiH.  AmCham BiH plays an important role in improving the business climate in BiH and promoting high standards of business practices.  AmCham BiH brings together companies and organizations, including: law and consultancy firms; consumer goods and service providers; public relations, marketing and advertising companies; information technology companies; non-profit and educational organizations; engineering and construction firms; pharmaceutical companies; food and beverage producers; manufacturers of tobacco products; and various financial institutions.  AmCham’s activities include advocacy on members’ behalf in addressing issues impacting their ability to conduct business in BiH; lobbying for legislation that is in accordance with European Union and international standards; and organizing regular meetings for members to discuss issues of interest.

The Foreign Investors Council (FIC) was established in 2006 as a non-profit business association, representing the interests of foreign businesses in BiH.  FIC members come from different sectors including metal industry, mining, construction, legal and financial services, oil and energy, trade, banking, telecommunications, food and beverage production, and others.
 FIC objectives include the improvement of the investment and business environment in BiH and the promotion of communication and cooperation between the business council and BiH authorities.

There is also a number of local Chambers of Commerce on the state, entity, and canton administrative levels.  The Chambers of Commerce represent member companies’ interests with government related to adopting and amending economic laws, regulations, and programs.


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