Includes the U.S. government export controls that companies need to abide by when exporting to this country
Last Published: 7/22/2019

More information on U.S. export controls to BiH and general guidelines can be found at the Bureau of Industry and Security website. The consolidated screening list can be found on’s webpage.

In general, below is a summary of the steps needed to process your export:

  1. Ensure that your export is under U.S. Department of Commerce jurisdiction

  2. Classify your item by reviewing the Commerce Control List.

  3. If your item is classified by an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN), identify the Reasons for Control on the Commerce Control List.

  4. Cross-reference the ECCN Controls against the Commerce Country Chart to see if a license is required. If yes, determine if a License Exception is available before applying for a license.

  5. Ensure that no proscribed end-users or end-uses are involved with your export transaction. If proscribed end-users or end-uses are involved, determine if you can proceed with the transaction or must apply for a license.

  6. Export your item using the correct ECCN and the appropriate symbol (e.g., NLR, license exception, or license number and expiration date) on your export documentation (e.g., Shipper’s Export Declaration) contains a page that consolidates eleven export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State, and the Treasury into a single search as an aid to industry in conducting electronic screens of potential parties to regulated transactions.

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