Includes a list of U.S. banks operating in the market; indicates whether Ex-Im Bank offers any country-specific programs.
Last Published: 7/22/2019

The following are the largest banks in BiH that maintain U.S. correspondent banking arrangements:

Raiffeisen Bank dd Bosna i Hercegovina (Austrian)
Phone: (+387) 33 755 010
Zmaja od Bosne bb
71000 Sarajevo

UniCredit Bank dd (Italian)
Phone: (+387) 36 312 112
Kardinala Stepinca bb
88000 Mostar

Sparkasse Bank dd (Austrian)
Phone: +387 33 280 300
Zmaja od Bosne 7,
71000 Sarajevo

Addiko Bank (Austrian/American)
Phone: (+387) 33 755 755
Trg Solidarnosti 12
71 000 Sarajevo

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka Bosna i Hercegovina (Italian)
Phone: (+387) 33 497 500
Obala Kulina Bana 9a
71000 Sarajevo

Sberbank BH dd Sarajevo (Russian)
Phone: (+387) 33 295 601
Fra Andjela Zvizdovica 1
71000 Sarajevo

NLB Razvojna Banka (Slovenian)
Phone: (+387) 51 221 620
Milana Tepica 4, 78000 Banja Luka


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