Includes customs regulations and contact information for this country's customs office.
Last Published: 1/27/2020
The General Customs Bureau (Dirección General de Aduanas, DGA) applies, collects, and controls taxes under the Argentine Customs Code. It also regulates other taxes on import and export transactions on behalf of other entities. The DGA is part of the Federal Public Revenue Administration (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos, AFIP).  AFIP is an autonomous authority at the administrative level, under the general supervision and legal control of the Treasury Ministry.  It executes the tax and customs policies set by the Executive Branch.
Contact Information:

Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos, (AFIP)
Federal Administrator
Hipólito Yrigoyen 370
C1086AAD Buenos Aires, Argentina                      
For Customs regulations, visit the AFIP’s online library (Spanish).
Phone: (54-11) 4347-2000

Dirección General de Aduanas, (DGA)
General Director
Azopardo 350
C1107ADD Buenos Aires, Argentina       
Phone: (54-11) 4338-6400/6640                   Fax: (54-11) 4338-6644


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