Mozambique - Project FinancingMozambique - Project Financing
General Availability of Financing – Trade financing is readily available from Mozambican commercial banks. Project financing is available from commercial banks and some specialized banks. Financing for large projects is commonly done with development banks willing to take on emerging market risks that private banks are not. Venture capital in Mozambique is a new concept and not readily available.
Availability of United States Department of Agriculture Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM) – The USDA provides GSM credit guarantees to assist in financing exports of U.S. agricultural products overseas. While no Mozambican banks are currently eligible for the program, eligible banks elsewhere in the region may be able to cover exports to Mozambique. Interested exporters are advised to contact the United States Department of Agriculture,
Multilateral Development Banks
The Commercial Service maintains Commercial Liaison Offices in each of the main Multilateral Development Banks, including the African Development Bank and the World Bank. These institutions lend billions of dollars in developing countries on projects aimed at accelerating economic growth and social development by reducing poverty and inequality, improving health and education, and advancing infrastructure development. The Commercial Liaison Offices help U.S. businesses learn how to get involved in bank-funded projects, and advocate on behalf of U.S. bidders. Learn more by contacting the Commercial Liaison Offices to the African Development Bank and the World Bank.
Export-Import Bank -- The Export-Import Bank of the United States offers loan guarantees, insurance, and project financing to encourage the export of U.S. goods and is keenly interested in the Mozambican market. Mozambique is eligible for short, medium, and long-term loans, loan guarantees, and insurance to finance private sector purchases of U.S. goods. The Export-Import Bank has no pre-set financing limits.
OPIC -- The Overseas Private Investment Corporation is an independent U.S. government agency that can assist with project finance, through loans or loan guaranties, and political risk insurance in Mozambique. OPIC has also created venture capital funds based in Johannesburg including: The New Africa Growth and Opportunity Fund and the Modern Africa Growth and Investment Corporation.
MIGA -- Mozambique is a member of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), part of The World Bank Group. MIGA offers investment guarantees for private sector projects.
IFC -- The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Commonwealth Development Corporation provide medium-term loans and equity finance in Mozambique from their South African offices.