Overview of the different labeling and marking requirements, including any restrictive advertising or labeling practices and where to get more information.
Last Published: 8/6/2019

Labels or marks are not mandatory for all imports; however, products need to have their labels certified and registered with relevant ministries before importing into Cambodia.  Labels for different products are regulated and certified by different ministries.  Suppliers of products that could harm public health or safety are also required to certify that the products comply with the standards set by the Institute of Standards of Cambodia (ISC).  Mandatory standards required by the ISC apply to electrical and electronic products, for example.  The ISC is charged with drafting and issuing regulations, while the Cambodia Import-Export Inspection and Fraud Repression Directorate General (CamControl) in the Ministry of Commerce is charged with providing pre-approval notice of regulated products. 

More information on labeling and marking requirements can be found on the Institute of Standards of Cambodia website.
Additional information about CamControl can be found at The Cambodia Import-Export Inspection and Fraud Repression Directorate-General website.

A list that consolidates eleven export-screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into a single search as an aid to industry in conducting electronic screens of potential parties to regulated transactions is available here at Consolidated Screening List API.

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