Discusses the distribution network within the country from how products enter to final destination, including reliability and condition of distribution mechanisms, major distribution centers, ports, etc.
Last Published: 8/6/2019

Cambodia places minimal restrictions on foreign participation in the import/export and distribution sectors.  Cambodias retail landscape is undergoing rapid transformation.  In addition to stalls and shops at traditional markets, goods are increasingly sold at small-scale Western-style shopping malls, convenience stores, and supermarkets that cater mostly to wealthy Cambodians, the urban middle class, and expatriates.  Importers can apply for exclusive rights to import brand-name products from the Ministry of Commerce.  Foreign investments in modern shopping malls include Aeon Mall, a Japanese venture that opened mid-2014, and Aeon Mall 2 which opened in May 2018. The total number of retail malls is expected to increase from 10 to 27 by the end of 2019.

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