Includes a list of U.S. banks operating in the market; indicates whether Ex-Im Bank offers any country-specific programs.
Last Published: 7/12/2019

There are no U.S. banks operating in Bolivia.  Citibank, which opened its offices in 1997, closed operations in 2010 and left the country in 2011.

All commercial banks provide regular banking services.  They accept deposits for both checking and savings accounts, and offer short- and medium-term loans.  Local banks are authorized to hold U.S. dollar-denominated deposits.  The following banks have correspondent banking arrangements with U.S. banks:

Banco de Crédito de Bolivia S.A.
Banco do Brasil S. A.
Banco Económico S. A.
Banco Ganadero S.A.
Banco Industrial S.A. (BISA)
Banco Mercantil Santa Cruz S. A.
Banco Nacional de Bolivia
Banco Solidario S. A.
Banco Unión S.A.
Banco Fomento a Iniciativas Económicas S.A.
Banco de La Nación Argentina
                Banco FIE S.A.
                Banco Fortaleza S.A.

For additional information, interested parties should contact the National Association of Banks (ASOBAN) at the following address:

Asociación de Bancos Privados de Bolivia (ASOBAN)
                Edificio Cámara Nacional de Comercio, Piso 15
                La Paz, Bolivia
                Phone: 591-2- 236-1308
                Fax: 591-2-239-1093


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