Describes the country's standards landscape, identifies the national standards and accreditation bodies, and lists the main national testing organization(s) and conformity assessment bodies.
Last Published: 7/23/2019



The standards regime in Paraguay includes obligatory and voluntary standards. Public and private conformity assessment bodies operate in the country.
National Institute of Technology, Standardization and Measurement (INTN) is the government organization in charge of developing Paraguay’s standards regime.
Standards affecting meat and by-products are handled by the National Animal Quality and Health Service (SENACSA) and those affecting agricultural chemicals are handled by the National Seed and Vegetable Quality and Sanitation Service (SENAVE), both bureaus under the
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.
Specific standards relating to health matters and foodstuffs fall under the scope of the Ministry of Public Health, through the
INAN-National Institute of Food and Nutrition.
Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Direccion General de Defensa del Consumidor, controls standards on labeling and marking.  Legislation may be found in the linked reference site for Paraguayan laws.
The listed government institutions all act as conformity assessment bodies in their respective fields.  Private firms acting as conformity assessment companies in Paraguay are SGS, Lloyds, and TÜV.


The Mercosur Standards Association (Asociacion Mercosur de Normalizacion - AMN) is composed of the standards institutes of Mercosur Member States, which work together to establish Mercosur-wide standards.
Asociación Mercosur de Normalización (AMN)
Av. Paulista, 726
10º andar – cj. 1001
CEP: 01310-910
São Paulo – SP – Brasil
Tel: 55 11 3283-5276
Fax: 55 11 3285-6115
Fax: 55 11 3285-2074
The following is a list of Paraguayan government bodies responsible for developing domestic standards:

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