Includes steps involved in establishing a local office
Last Published: 7/23/2019
The government of Paraguay allows foreign companies to establish branches or subsidiaries.  A legally authorized representative must head the branch office, and voting board members must have Paraguayan residency.  The documents listed below must be authenticated by a notary public and the Paraguayan Consul in the country of the head office, and must be filed and recorded in the Commercial Public Registry within the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in Asuncion.  The Sistema Unificado de Apertura y Cierre de Empresas - SUACE is the government’s single window for registering a company.  The process takes about one month.
Documents required:
  1. The documents of incorporation and the by-laws of the company;
  2. A certificate from a duly authorized government official or the Chamber of Commerce in the country of headquarters, certifying the legitimacy of the head office in the country of origin;
  3. Minutes from a meeting of the Board of Directors which:
    • Resolve to establish a branch office in the Republic of Paraguay;
    • Assign nominal capital to the branch office (a minimum of $10,000 if related to export activities);
    • Establish a domicile of the branch office in Paraguay;
    • Designate the person or persons to manage the branch office; and
    • Grant power to the person designated to manage the branch office.
  4. The legal instruments from the head office delegating management responsibilities in the subsidiary or branch office to the person or persons so designated.


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