This is a best prospect industry sector for this country. Includes a market overview and trade data.
Last Published: 7/31/2019


The total ICT market value in North Macedonia was an estimated USD 400 million in 2018.  Hardware is the largest segment (55 percent) of the ICT market in North Macedonia.  ICT services are the second largest segment (30 percent), and software comprises 15 percent of the ICT market.  Many large ICT companies, such as Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Dell, Compaq, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Sun Microsystems, Apple, and Lotus, are present in North Macedonia via branch offices, distributors, dealers, resellers, solution providers, and business partners.

With an annual growth rate between 2.5 and 8 percent over the last several years, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector in North Macedonia is a promising area for U.S. companies.  The ICT sector in North Macedonia benefits from a skilled and cost effective workforce with excellent English language skills, solid telecommunications infrastructure, and low corporate tax.  ICT representatives expect the sector will continue to grow.

Leading Sub-Sectors

The best prospects continue to be in information and communication technologies such as smart phones, tablets, cloud technology, Wireless Application Protocol services, 4G equipment and solutions.  There are also opportunities for alternative telephone service operators, as well as services such as call centers, home-work services, and distance learning services.  Good opportunities continue to exist in the telecommunications sector for innovative peripheral products and services.  The largest customers in telecommunications are the two mobile operators in North Macedonia: Makedonski Telekom (part of Deutsche Telekom Group through controlling owner Magyar Telekom) and Vip (member of A1 Telekom Austria Group).


Several software development companies are creating applications for Western markets.  These include banking, air traffic control, digital animation, and website development.
With the liberalization of the telecom industry in 2005 (the Law on Electronic Communications), many opportunities exist to sell products and services in this market.

Web Resources

Agency for Electronic Communications
MASIT – ICT Chamber of Commerce
Ministry of Information Society and Administration
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services
Macedonian Academic and Research Network (MARnet)
Macedonian e-Society Association (MESA)
Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society


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