Overview of the different labeling and marking requirements, including any restrictive advertising or labeling practices and where to get more information.
Last Published: 7/21/2019

The Nicaraguan Technical Standard on Prepackaged Foods for Human
Consumption (1999/03-021) requires that prepackaged foods be labeled in Spanish
and indicate product origin, contents, price, weight, production date, and
expiration date. The Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade, Standards
Office, will determine if the product complies with the labeling requirements, once
the product has been registered with the Sanitation Office at the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry of Health Pharmaceutical Office requires that pharmaceutical
products be packaged and labeled in Spanish for retail distribution and that their
dosages be clearly indicated.

For those companies that are interested in participating in government tenders,
sample products must be submitted with the required labels in Spanish.
Nicaragua is a signatory of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. As mandated by
the protocol, Nicaragua requires that agricultural goods containing more than 5% living modified organisms (LMOs) be labeled to indicate that they “may contain”

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