Includes a list of goods that are prohibited from being exported to the country or are otherwise restricted.
Last Published: 10/17/2019

The following items are prohibited or restricted:

  • Narcotics
  • Live fish
  • Predators of any size
  • Images representing children in a degrading or ridiculous way
  • Used clothes that are not part of your personal luggage
  • Firearms and ammunitions.

A complete list of these items can be found at the Prohibited Items List at the Mexican Customs website.

In the case of medical devices and health care products, there are additional requirements. First, the products must comply with applicable standards. Second, foreign manufactured products need to have a legally appointed representative/distributor in Mexico. Third, the products must be registered with the Secretariat of Health (Secretaría de Salud or SSA) prior to being sold in Mexico. Except for blood, blood derivative products, and organs, almost all medical products can be imported into Mexico, provided they comply with existing regulations. See our Healthcare section for more information.

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