Iceland - Trade Promotion and AdvertisingIceland - Trade Promotion
All major types of advertising media are available in Iceland. The principal television channels in Iceland are Ruv ( and Stod 2 ( There are also numerous private radio stations, in addition to the Government-owned Radio and TV stations, which also host advertising. CNN, Fox News, Sky News, BBC News, Al Jazeera and other international channels are available via a widely-subscribed cable system. For a list of advertising agencies contact the Society of Icelandic Advertising Agencies
Newspaper readership in Iceland is very high. There are two principal newspapers: Morgunblaðið, a subscription publication, and Fréttablaðið, which is distributed free of charge to households in the capital area. Four additional newspapers are: DV, which is a tabloid-style paper currently publishing three times a week; Stundin, a bi-weekly paper; and Viðskiptablaðið, a weekly business journal published on Thursdays. All the newspapers have online editions, and there is an online investigative news outlet called Kjarninn. The Public Relations firm KOM issues a paid subscription news summary in English twice weekly.
Key web links:
•          DV:
•          Frettabladid: Â
•          Kjarninn:
•          Morgunbladid:
•          Ruv:
•          Stundin:
•          Vidskiptabladid: www.vb.i