Guinea - US Banks and Local Correspondent BanksGuinea - US Banks
First International Bank (FIBank) is changing names soon after being acquired by an American firm and is now the only U.S. bank operating in Guinea, but there are several other local banks with U.S. banking arrangements including:
- Banque Internationale pour le Commerce et l’Industrie de Guinee (BICIGUI) operates with Citibank of New York, and the French American Banking Corporation Banque Nationale de Paris
- Societe Generale de Banque en Guinee, with SBG New York,
- OraBank formerly UIBG, a subsidiary of Credit Agricole Francais
Av. de la République - 5ème Bld. / 6ème Av.
BP 324 Conakry
T: 00 (224) 622 35 00 70
- ECOBANK, a partner of Citibank
ECOBANK, a West African bank under partial Citibank ownership, has direct financing and transfer links with Citibank worldwide. ECOBANK has gained the bulk of U.S. banking business in Guinea and has consistently been more accommodating to potential U.S.-based clients.
- First International Bank
Cite Chemin de Fer PB 557
Tel : (224) 662 46 46 46
Director : Mady Conde
First International Bank (FIBank) in the process of being aquired by Lithium Capital of NewYork.