Includes a list of goods that are prohibited from being exported to the country or are otherwise restricted.
Last Published: 8/5/2019

Prohibited imports include counterfeit notes and coins, weapons, illicit and narcotic drugs, and pornography. Restricted goods will require the relevant licenses and permits from government departments and authorities before goods can be cleared from customs control.  The Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BAF) regulates all food and animal products entering Fiji and has stringent and costly point-of-origin inspection and quarantine requirements for foreign goods.  Some importers have had import permits denied for categories of food or animal products which were previously allowed, with little or no explanation for the change. 

Contact Information

Chief Executive - Biosecurity Authority of Fiji
GPO Box 183601, Suva
Phone: (679)-332-512
Fax: (679)-338-5048

Director Border
Fiji Revenue and Customs Service
GPO Box 175, Suva
Phone: (679)-324-3666
Fax: (679)-330-5138

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