Overview of best prospect sectors, major infrastructure projects, significant government procurements and business opportunities.
Last Published: 9/12/2019
Best prospects for U.S. exports based on trade statistics, market analysis and interest from U.S. companies include: agricultural products, travel and tourism, automotive parts, plastics, packaging and food processing equipment, safety and security equipment, and energy.

Additionally, the GoES has identified nine growth sectors: specialized textiles and apparel, offshore business services, tourism, aeronautics, agro-industry, medical devices, footwear manufacturing, logistic and infrastructural networks, and healthcare services.

In September 2015, El Salvador’s second Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact entered into force. The Compact (2015-2020) for $277 million is playing a key role in improving the business climate through targeted investments in logistical infrastructure, regulatory reform, and human capital. The Compact focuses on improving El Salvador’s investment climate by improving its productivity and competitiveness in international markets.  The five-year compact focuses on investments in: 1) institutional capital of El Salvador (e.g. regulatory reform and Public-Private Partnerships) to enhance the investment climate; 2) human capital to improve the quality of education and better match students’ skills with the demands of firms engaged in international trade; and 3) physical capital to reduce transportation and logistics costs. The GoES is contributing an additional $88 million to the five-year compact for a total investment of $365 million.  The current pipeline of public private partnerships (PPP) projects offers U.S. companies the opportunity to compete in procurements to win concessions to finance, design, build, operate and/or maintain these projects, and/or to provide these PPPs with debt and/or equity financing.  This PPP pipeline includes projects to develop and manage the international Cargo Terminal, street lighting and video surveillance on the ring road around San Salvador, a new government center and a 43km toll road between a main port and the border with Guatemala. 

For additional information, companies are encouraged to consult the MCC website.


Prepared by our U.S. Embassies abroad. With its network of 108 offices across the United States and in more than 75 countries, the U.S. Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce utilizes its global presence and international marketing expertise to help U.S. companies sell their products and services worldwide. Locate the U.S. Commercial Service trade specialist in the U.S. nearest you by visiting http://export.gov/usoffices.