Overview of the different labeling and marking requirements, including any restrictive advertising or labeling practices and where to get more information.
Last Published: 9/12/2019
The following requirements are included in the Consumer Protection Law, and for pharmaceuticals, in the Medicines Law:
  • Retailers must display the price of the product either on the packaging or in a visible place.
  • Products that are sold by weight or volume, or any other measure, must have the weight, volume, or an exact measure of the contents on the label.
  • Pharmaceuticals must provide the following information on the label:  the trade name; active ingredient; concentration of active ingredient; instructions for use, possible side effects; warnings; dose; manufacturing and expiration dates; formula; manufacturing lot number; and Health Registry Number, as established by the National Directorate of Medicines.
  • Labels on frozen and canned foods must include an expiration date.
  • Labeling must be in Spanish. 
Labeling requirements for textile products, lightings, tobacco, and consumer products

New labeling requirements for alcoholic beverages entered into force on June 12, 2014, including the following:
  1. No false or misleading labeling.
  2. The data to be displayed in labels must be in Spanish, clear, visible, and easy to read for the consumer.
  3. No words, images, or any other representation that can lead to confusion for the consumer.
  4. The height of labeling characters must be no less than 1 mm.
  5. Healing and preventive indicators are not allowed on labeling.
  6. Indicate the name and origin of the product.
  7. Indicate the alcoholic strength on each product and net content.
  8. List of ingredients and expiration date.
  9. For national products: designate the name and address of the manufacturer, distributor, or exporter, as the case may be. For imported products: designate the name and address of the importer or distributor.
  10. Indicate sanitary registration number and lot code.
  11. Include the caption: “el consumo excesivo de bebidas alcohólicas perjudica la salud”, if applicable.
  12. Country of origin.
The Technical Regulation

New labeling requirements for baby formula milk were established by the Ministry of Health in 2014. Additional requirements might be implemented through the regulation to the law.

To review the Central America Technical Regulation (RTCA)


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