Costa Rica - Labeling/Marking RequirementsCosta Rica - Labeling/Marking Require
There are no general requirements in Costa Rica for marking the origin of general merchandise. However, Costa Rican food labeling regulations incorporate the Codex Alimentarius standards and require that all domestic and imported food products contain labeling in Spanish with the following specifications: product name, list of ingredients in quantitative order, nutritional content, name and address of importer, expiration or best-used-by date, country of origin, and metric weight. Expiration dates or best-used-by date are also required to be on all food product labels.
Special labeling requirements apply to pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, veterinary preparations, vaccines, poisonous substances, and mouthwashes. Sanitary and phytosanitary certificates are required for importing bulk grain and horticultural products. Zoosanitary (USDA/FSIS) certificates are required for importing fresh and frozen meats. Most processed food products (canned, boxed, pre-cooked) do not require phytosanitary or zoosanitary certificates. Exporters should check with their importers, who are ultimately responsible for complying with local regulations. In the case of dietary supplements, the label should comply with the requirements of food supplements regarding the information of vitamins and minerals.