Barbados - FranchisingBarbados - Franchising
The government of Barbados is open to investment by franchises. There has been some noticeable improvement in the franchise environment on the island. Franchises such as Burger King, Payless Shoe Source, and Subway acquired licenses and are currently open for business. Some opportunities also exist for franchises in travel and tourism, beauty and health, entertainment, education, management and human resources services, and other non-food franchises. The Barbados Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs evaluates the potential competitive impact on non-franchised local businesses and must approve all franchises. Franchise holders pay an initial registration fee of $5,000 and annual renewal fees of $1,000. All franchises must be registered with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs in order to operate legally and repatriate profits and capital. Process franchises, such as those used in manufacturing or designs, must also be registered so that royalties can be remitted abroad.
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