US Copyright Law vs International U.S. Copyright Law
A copyright protects original works of authorship. In the United States, this protection gives the owner the exclusive right to reproduce the work, to prepare derivative works such as “spin-offs,” to distribute copies, or to perform or display the work publicly.
In the United States, original works of authorship include literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other creative works. A computer program, for example, is also eligible as a literary work in the U.S. and an increasing number of foreign countries.
In most countries, the place of first publication determines the availability of copyright protection. Some countries require certain formalities (e.g., registration notice) to maintain copyright protection. Other countries offer little or no protection for the works of foreign nationals. Before publishing a work anywhere, you should investigate the scope of protection available, as well as the specific legal requirements for copyright protection in countries where you want it. For more information on intellectual property, visit