Sweden - Medical EquipmentSweden - Medical Equipment
Sweden’s healthcare system is one of most well-developed in the world. Sweden spends about 12 percent of its GDP on health and medical services, which is on par with most other European countries. The infant mortality rate is less than 2.5 deaths per 1,000 in the first year of life and the average life expectancy is 81 years for men and 84 years for women. As Sweden has a population that is one of the oldest in the world, 19.8 percent are 65 years or older, there will be increasing demand for medical equipment and supplies, and longer medical treatments, to meet the health needs of an ageing population.According to Business Monitor International, the Swedish market for medical equipment is estimated at USD 2.4 billion in 2018 (up from USD 2.3 billion in 2017). Business Monitor, ranks Sweden as the fourth most attractive market in Western Europe in which to commercialize a medical device. Over the coming years, the market is expected to show moderate growth, around 3 percent per annum. Domestic production is strong in areas such as wheelchairs, hospital furniture, sterilizers, and blood pressure monitors. As most of the domestic manufacture is for export (estimated value at USD 1.6 billion in 2016), the medical equipment market is dependent on imports. In 2016, imports were estimated at USD 1.7 billion.
Three political and administrative bodies control health care for the country: the central government, the county councils, and the municipalities. The 21 county councils have the responsibility to provide health and medical services and to work for a good standard of health among the population. The County Councils decide on the allocation of the resources to the health services and are responsible for the overall planning of the services offered. The County Councils own and run the hospitals, health centers, and other institutions. The 290 municipalities are responsible for nursing homes, as well as care of the elderly and the disabled. Private health care, accounting for some twelve percent of total health care costs, mainly provides primary care services like health care centers or homes for the elderly. There are a few hospitals that are managed by private entrepreneurs.
U.S. firms interested in entering the Swedish market will find that the market is highly competitive and are, therefore, should establish a local presence, either through local agents and distributors or sales subsidiaries. Sweden has 60 hospitals, eight of which are regional hospitals offering highly specialized care and where most teaching and research is based. There are about 33,000 doctors in Sweden, one for every 300 inhabitants.
Leading Sub-Sector
The best sales potential for U.S.-manufactured medical equipment is expected to be in the following areas:• Non-invasive surgical equipment
• Orthopedic and prosthetic equipment
• Home healthcare – equipment and supplies
Swedish health care facilities are currently in the midst of a construction and renovation boom. All major County Councils are involved in construction and renovation projects, including the reconstruction of old hospitals or the building of new hospitals, such as the new Karolinska Hospital in Solna/Stockholm. Once these projects are completed, an increased demand for new equipment and supplies will follow.
Web Resources
Inera (www.inera.se) National Agency for Public Procurement (www.upphandlingsmyndigheten.se)
National Board of Health and Welfare (www.socialstyrelsen.se)
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (www.skl.se)
Swedish e-Health Authority (www.ehalsomyndigheten.se)
Swedish Medtech (www.swedishmedtech.se)
Local Commercial Specialist: Johan Bjorkman, johan.bjorkman@trade.gov
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