Morocco - Selling to the GovernmentMOR - Selling to the Government
Many governments finance public works projects through borrowing from the Multilateral Development Banks. Please refer to “Project Financing” Section in “Trade and Project Financing” for more information.
Morocco’s public procurement laws largely align with international standards in an effort to make tenders transparent and fair; however, transparency remains a significant concern. Each ministry and public establishment have contracting authority and can fund projects within their authorized budget limits. Most government contracts must be tendered through the national public tendering portal managed by the Moroccan treasury (
The announcement of tenders is published in newspapers and on the websites of the issuing organizations and distributed to embassies. Deadlines range from thirty to ninety days. Bidding documents are usually published in French and replies must be in French, using French or European standards (i.e. metric, 50/60 hertz).