Includes websites relevant to selling US products and services in this country, highlighting resources for small- and medium-sized enterprises.
Last Published: 8/19/2019

Construction Industry Development Board
Association of Communication Agencies
L'Express (daily) 
Le Mauricien (daily)  
Le Defi Quotidien (daily)
Week-End (weekly)
Business Magazine (weekly)
Weekly Magazine (weekly)
Mauritius Revenue Authority
U.S. Commercial Service in Johannesburg, South Africa
Mauritius Bar Association 
Mauritius Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Business Mauritius
Mauritius Bankers Association
Mauritius Export Association

Prepared by our U.S. Embassies abroad. With its network of 108 offices across the United States and in more than 75 countries, the U.S. Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce utilizes its global presence and international marketing expertise to help U.S. companies sell their products and services worldwide. Locate the U.S. Commercial Service trade specialist in the U.S. nearest you by visiting