Israel - Market Entry StrategyIsrael - Market Entry Strategy
Distribution methods vary by type of product.
- Commissioned Agents: used mainly for industrial equipment, raw materials and commodities.
- Non-Stocking Agents: used mainly by manufacturers.
- Stocking Agents: used mainly for high volume items.
- Importers/Distributors: used often for consumer goods.
- Franchising: since its introduction to Israel in the mid-1980s, franchises have increased in popularity. ACE Hardware, Office Depot, Re/MAX, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Toys-R-US, UPS, and FedEx all operate in Israel.
- Direct marketing is common. Direct marketing is common though an “opt-in” spam law was introduced to Israel in late 2008. Companies can only send individuals spam if the individual agrees in advance. Political and charity mailings are exempt.
- Mobile phone marketing through messaging is common.
- Internet use in Israel is widespread and represents a good marketing avenue.
- Door-to-door salesmanship is uncommon in Israel and is considered a nuisance.
- Cable and satellite TV offer shopping channels.
- Joint ventures are the most popular method of cooperation for Israeli firms, especially in technology-related industries.
- Israeli businesses prefer obtaining five-year licensing agreements with automatically renewable clauses that extend the agreement for another five years.
- A Commercial Agents Law became effective in 2012. The law specifies advance notice of termination of a relationship related to the duration of the supplier/agent contract and monetary compensation of the agent for the loss of potential profits.
- Manufacturing under licensing agreements is common in Israel. Israeli businesses prefer licensing agreements in which the licensor takes equity with the licensee.
- The norm for royalties is 4-5% of turnover. Higher rates are common for luxury articles, authors’ fees, and specialized machinery.
- A 10-15% withholding tax on royalties and fees is often deducted at the source.
- Licensees may repatriate royalties through an authorized bank and are entitled to claim an income tax deduction on royalties and fee payments.
- U.S. companies should seek advice from a respected law firm and accounting firm when figuring tax liabilities.