Ireland - Healthcare - Medical DevicesIreland - Healthcare
Ireland has a dual healthcare system, consisting of both private and public healthcare options. The public healthcare system is regulated by the Irish government’s Health Service Executive (HSE). In 2019, the overall non-capital allocation to the HSE for 2019 is just over €16 billion. Latest figures show that there are 10,665 in-patient beds and 2,170 daybeds distributed across 48 public hospitals. Private hospitals operate almost one-third of the acute hospitals in Ireland with 1,796 in-patient beds. There are about 2,500 General Practitioners (MDs) in Ireland, working in group practices, primary care centers, single practices and health centers around the country. The Irish healthcare market maintains a strong affinity with the U.S. as many of its doctors and consultant specialists are trained at leading U.S. healthcare facilities. Strong relationships also exist between American and Irish universities and hospitals.
Leading Sub-Sectors
Sub-sectors for U.S. suppliers include:
- Medical Devices
- Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
- Research and Development
- eHealth
- Diagnostic
- Assisted-Living and Homecare Products
- Bio-Medical Products
By 2040 the population of Ireland is expected to grow by over 1 million to 5.7 million people. Population health at the national level presents a picture of decreasing mortality rates and increasing life expectancy over the past ten years. According to the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Ireland’s rapidly growing and ageing population will create an expontential demand for increased healthcare services by 2030. Current challenges include budgetary pressures, the development of a more hospital-centric model of care, long waiting lists and a rise in the incidence of chronic illnesses. This results in an increased demand for health services with a particular focus on acute hospitals, primary care, and services for older persons care. The report commissioned by The Department of Health (DoH) ‘Review Of Health Demand And Capacity Requirements In Ireland To 2031’ is available here.
The Irish Government is an advocate of preventative medicine focusing on breast, cervical, bowel and diabetic retina screening/checks. Opportunities exist for equipment that saves time and resources and produces cost savings in a price sensitive market. A new emphasis however is emerging on high quality American-made products to counteract cheaper less reliable imports from other nations.
In 2017, almost all hospitals reported being over budget with an average overrun of 7 percent. This indicates the current need for new tools and initiatives to drive productivity and efficiency within the sector. A recent report commissioned by the Irish Medical and Surgical Trade Association on the state of medical equipment management throughout the Irish health service shows that a significant public health risk exists from continuing to utilize ageing / obsolete medical equipment.
In December 2013, the Government launched the eHealth strategy with the purpose of outlining the importance of recognizing Digital Health as a national infra-structural investment for Ireland. eHealth Ireland is the HSE’s office of the Chief Information Officer which has been tasked with delivering Ireland’s eHealth strategy.
The Irish Government has published a National Development Plan 2018-2027 which sets out a significant public investmentplan to meet Ireland’s needs over the next ten years. The strategic investment priorities capital spending on health of €10.9 billion. Major investment projects include the construction of new hospitals and additional capacity in existing facilities in different areas such as maternity, oncology, mental health, primary and residential care, nursing homes, acute care, eHealth, rehabilitation and disability.
All public sector contracting authorities advertise procurement opportunities and award notices on the eTenders Procurement website, the Irish Government's electronic tendering platform. Directions for use of this site are outlined at and as a US exporter to Ireland, you should register as a Supplier Company. Please note, in the near future, Electronic tendering will be a European requirement.
Web Resources
Department of Health -
Health Service Executive (HSE) -
Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) -
Irish Medical Devices Association -
Economic and Social Research Institute -
Irish Medical & Surgical Trade Association -
For more information about Ireland’s Healthcare sector, please contact:
Anthea Zanella
Commercial Advisor – Healthcare Sector
U.S. Commercial Service Dublin
Tel: +353 1 2375862