Austria - Market Entry StrategyAustria - Market Entry Strategy
The best market entry strategies for U.S. exporters to Austria will depend on the specific sector and business objectives. Here are a few tips:
- Companies interested in working with the government of Austria are best positioned by partnering with a local company. A good source of information on potential partners is the EU TED database, that lists the results of previous tenders by sector.
- Those looking for an agent or distributor should think beyond national borders. While Austrian companies can be excellent business partners, other qualified distributors may be in Germany if that company has a local presence in Austria. Some of these companies may have offices throughout Central Eastern Europe so could further expand your regional footprint.
- Austria is a sophisticated, globally-oriented market. It is important for U.S. exporters to invest time to research market size, drivers, distribution channels and the regulatory environment for their specific product or service. This information will be valuable in advancing business with Austrian partners or potential customers.
- U.S. companies already exporting to other EU member states will find the overall regulatory environment in Austria to be quite familiar. However, additional national level Austrian regulations may also be imposed. Local Austrian partners and the U.S. Commercial Service can assist U.S. companies in determining these regulatory requirements.