International Company Profile (Full and Partial)

Need a background check on a foreign company? We provide in-depth or basic background check information on a specific foreign company to help determine its suitability as a potential business partner.


International Company Profile Full 

Provides U.S. companies and economic development organizations with a comprehensive background report on a specific foreign company, including: general business information, background and product information, key officials, references contacted by ITA, financial data/creditworthiness information, reputational information, a site visit and interviews with principals; information sources consulted in preparing the report; and analysis of information collected.

International Company Profile Partial

Provides U.S. companies and economic development organizations with a general background report on a specific foreign company based on publicly available information; including general business information, background and product information, key officials, financial data/creditworthiness information (only when publicly available) and reputational information; information sources used in preparing the report; and brief analysis of analysis of information collected. 


Eligibility and Pricing

You must be an export-ready U.S. company seeking to export goods or services of U.S. origin or that have at least 51% U.S. content to utilize this service. 

The fee for an International Company Profile Full is $700 for small companies1, $1,200 for medium companies2 and $2,000 for large companies3.
The fee for an International Company Profile Partial is $150 for small companies1, $350 for medium companies2 and $450 for large companies3.
Please note that any transportation for ITA staff beyond 80 kilometers or more than 2 hours from an ITA office will be charged an additional user fee to cover the cost.  

1 Must qualify as a “small business” under the Small Business Administration’s size standards, which vary by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: Fees listed also apply to U.S. Economic Development Organizations (EDO) and Non-profit Educational Institutions that purchase ITA services for their own use.  For example, when an EDO requests a Gold Key Service (GKS) to promote itself as a tourist destination, it will be charged the small company fee.  If, however, an EDO requests a (GKS) to promote a U.S. company’s goods/services, the size of the company will be used to determine the fee.  
2 Must have less than $1B in annual revenue (including affiliates: parent, child, subsidiaries, divisions, etc.) to qualify.
3 All U.S. businesses that do not qualify as a small or medium enterprise.

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