Overview of best prospect sectors, major infrastructure projects, significant government procurements and business opportunities.
Last Published: 7/18/2019
  • Best prospects for U.S. companies in the Philippines include transportation infrastructure, defense, and information and communication technology (ICT). Strong subsectors include Healthcare, Energy, and Tourism.
  • The Philippines will spend about $4.4 billion on ICT over the next six years. Priority sub-sectors include cybersecurity, the cloud, and telecommunications.
  • The Armed Forces of the Philippines is undertaking a 15-year modernization program that started in 2012, and will continue through 2027. The total cost of the 15-year program is projected to be over $40 billion. Opportunities exist for sales in aircraft, ships, unmanned vehicles, intelligence and surveillance systems, communications, personal protective equipment, and weapon systems. 
  • Through the Administration’s “Build, Build, Build” Initiative, $180 billion will be spent on projects including airports, ports, bridges, roads, and rail infrastructure. Opportunities exist for U.S. firms to compete on projects tenders through the Government Appropriations Act (GAA). Japanese tied-aid projects cover a large portion of this initiative, but U.S. firms can work on these projects as a sub-contractor or supplier through the main Japanese contractor.

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